6 Strategic Tips for Employers to Recruit on Social Media

Human resource is very important for the success of the business. When you wanted to source talent that is available in the market, you should start recruiting .Though there are many sources for recruiting the talented people in the market, social media emerged as huge platform to accesses the talent that is spread across the world. You can easily pre qualify the candidates that fits the profile in your company because members of social media network post their education, experience and other related information that is required by the employer


There is a drastic change in the way which company recruits professionals with the advent of Social Media. Companies will have tough time in reaching the right employee because they There are so many outlets that companies now have to monitor, track and strategically use to attract and engage candidates. Even the employees will have tough time in getting noticed by the employer especially when they have less working experience.  Continue to read the article to know six strategic steps for effective recruiting in social media.  With these effective strategies, recruiters can easily build connections, manage social pages, engage candidates and find the right people for their open roles.

Know Where To Start

When you wanted to initiate recruiting of the employees through social media, you should first know the right place to start. You should know where the professionals of your industry are sharing the information. If you can spot this, you can easily catch the employee that fits in your requirements. You should do some research an focus on both large sites like Linkedin and industry specific networks.

Post Job Openings

This is the in expensive way of spreading the job vacancy in your organization. When you post the job opening, the information will spread across the social network. Even if the visitor of the post does not fit in the requirement, they may refer it to one who is strong enough to fit the profile.


Engage Current Employee

When you are recruiting employee for the organization, you should not forget to include your current workforce. Internal support in the recruitment will help you in great way. Have your workforce announce the job openings on their Linkdien profiles and Face book status updates so that the massage will reach wide range of customers in short period.

Use Linkedin Strategically

Linkdien is big platform where you can source professional resume so, you should keep your company pages and personal pages current and build the network by connecting with current and former co workers. You can develop potential relation with the employees even before you need them.

Quality and Quantity

Your network should be large enough to reach  maximum number of people and expand your candidate pool. You should try to build the network of professionals with final goals in brain.  The network of professionals you reach should be willing to work for you now or in future or these connectors should be able to expand your reach to next hire.

Social Media Is Two Way Street  

Employers will be in search of right job where as employees for right job. You should provide the job seekers accurate view of the company communicate your corporate culture with extreme honesty. Unlike traditional method of recruiting, you should build relation with the people in the network and when its is time , you should hire.

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