Constructive Link Building Through Clients (Except Guest Post)

Link Building

Link building is the most important strategy of search engine optimization to build the page ranking of the website. Link building brings your website on the top of the search results and this is an undeniable fact. Everybody looks towards quality link building to get good search results from the major search engines. Many of us tend to practice the same old methods of link building in spite of knowing that it is time consuming and this techniques will devaluated by the search engines very soon.

With the changed algorithm of Google, it is becoming pretty difficult for the SEO experts to bring quality links in the shortest time possible. The clients are paying for you to get quality link building to their sites quickly. If you are struggling to do the same, you are happy to hear that you can take the help of these clients to have constructive link building to their sites.

Curious readers can go through the article to know how one can use clients to get quality link building to their websites.


The clients may not be aware that they are good link opportunity source to get constructive links to their websites. Search engines always have space on their shoulder for 100% natural links so, you should always dig out the ways to bring them in. You can use the interviews of your clients where they can talk about their business, achievements to bring in quality links to website.

Feedback from customers and suppliers

This is another good strategy to build quality link building to customer website. You can ask your client to disclose their address book and seek feedback from them either for the long term relation or good service. Feedback in either of the forms will serve as natural back link to the website.

PR submission

An SEO expert submits the press releases in the various PR submission sites to get the backlinks for the website. Though this is proven way to get backlinks to the client’s site, search engine considers them as low quality links. On the contrary, a well written press release can be submitted to journalists and editors in your clients’ industry magazines or other online publications. You can expect the PR to be picked and published giving you the back link if the story is good.

Associations of the clients

Many business organisations today sign up with associations for many reasons. You can take the list of these associations form the clients and check for their bio in the profile page. Most of them tend to ignore the space that is provided for website link. If you find it blank, you can use the same to give the website link. You can even take the permission of these associates to submit press releases of your client’s business and get a valid back link.


Many ecommerce portals have affiliates to sell their products. You take the permission of these affiliate website owner to submit business Press release and get a valid back links from there.

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